Faeries P-U
These faeries roam around the Alps in the shape of small, white horses.
They are known to tease and harm children because of their own difficulties
in reproducing. Their main course of torment is to bring people nightmares.
Pease Blossom: The name of one of the flower faeries, she also made an appearance as an attendant to Titania in A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Peerifool: A blonde male faerie who agrees to spin for a princess who was captured by an ogre. Because she does not know how to spin, she agrees, knowing that she will only get the completed work back if she remembers his name. As with all similar stories, she forgets his name almost immediately and becomes frantic. An old beggar happened by Peerifool as he was saying that there was no way she would ever guess his name, and she quickly went to the princess with his name, for which she was later rewarded.
Pigwidgeon (Pigwiggen): The faerie knight in Drayton's Nymphadia which fell in love with Queen Mab.
An extremely small nature faerie in English lore. It lives in the bell
of small flowers such as the bluebell, cowslip, and wild thyme growing
beneath the oak tree.
Pressina: A French faerie, guardian of a fountain. She married to King Elinus of Albany, with the warning that he never see her during childbirth. The vow was broken as he walked in on the last of her births and Pressina and three daughters were compelled to return to the faerie court. When the daughters came upon their full power, the went back and took revenge on their father, forever entrapping him in a cave. When Pressina found out about it, she cursed all three of her daughters.
(Pisca, Poake, Pouk, Pouke, Pucke, Puckle, Pug, Púka, Pukis, Pukje,
Pwca): An extremely mischievous nature or household faerie in English lore.
He is mostly known for his spiteful tricks on unsuspecting humans, which
leads them to often embarrassing situations, but he has, in some cases,
been known to champion the poor and oppressed. Descriptions of him range
from a hobgoblin to a faerie, brownie, goblin, or an elf. Some say that
this is a confirmation of his tricky personality and his shape shifting
abilities. Most people, though, think of him as having a hairy body, with
goat feet, like a satyr or faun. He was written about in Shakespeare's
Midsummer Night's Dream and in Kipling's Puck of Pooks Hill.
Raviyoyla Djins: A female Serbian faerie that could take on the appearance of a beautiful woman. She knew all things of healing and medicine with herbs. A legend attached to this faerie was that she caused the accidental death of a friend of the king's, but quickly brought him back to life with the use of her herbs.
Red Man: See Fear Dearc
Robgoblin: See Hobgoblin
An Irish faerie who is a woman of the Sidhe and the faerie mother of Oisin,
the greatest poet of Gaul. She is the daughter of Queen Mebd. She was turned
into a deer when she refused the love of another faerie and was made to
leave her son, Oisin, to the elements. He was found seven years later and
told the story of his deer mother.
Seelie Court: See The Courts
Sidhe (Aes Sidhe, Shee, Sheehogue, Si, Sidh, Sídhe, Sith): This is the most common name for the Irish and Scottish Highlands faeries. Sidh is the Gaelic word for earth mounds, which is where they are said to live under.
Skilly Widden: This is the name of a faerie boy that was found and adopted by a farmer in Cornwall, England.
Snow Queen: In Danish folklore, she is a beautiful faerie who rides on the blizzards blown in from the Arctic. She lures men to join her, which means instant death for the men.
Stroke Lad: See Amadán
Sylph: A faerie of the air or wind. They are described as being taller and stronger than humans with a volatile temperament. They are similar to invisible angels whose voice could be heard in the wind. Sylphs defend the high mountain peaks and wilderness mountains that are home to them. They have also been described as the transformed souls of those who died chaste.
Tangotango: She is a fairy of the Maori lore. She heard of the handsome young god called Tawhaki, and searched for him so she could have a child with him. She found him while he was sleeping in the woods, and lay with him night after night until she became pregnant. She then left her handsome lover and had a daughter called Arahuta.
Tennin: To the Japanese Buddhist, she is a beautiful faerie who appeared on mountains. To encounter one, the person must climb to the highest summit.
Thrummy Cap: This particular faerie is credited with the high quality of wool in the northern counties of England. They wore caps made of thrums, which is excess wool clipped off when weaving is done. Some accounts state that they live in the cellars of old, abandoned houses and others state that they live in the Thrummy Hills of North Yorkshire.
This Faerie Queen has made appearances in Shakespeare's A Midsummer
Night's Dream and earlier than that in Ovid's work as the goddess Diana.
With her flower faeries as attendants, she appeared to be more regal and
refined than Mab. In Scotland, she was said to have given the Clan MacLeod
of Dunvegan Castle in the Isle of Skye a Faerie Flag. This flag was to
be waved in times of danger, in which her magic would resolve the problem.
They were warned, though, that it would be taken back at the third use.
Tokolosh: He is South African faerie. He is a sullen and grouchy, living beside streams and small rivers. He is well known for terrorizing lone travelers, usually by leaping on a small animal or bird and choking it so that the animal's cries alarm the traveler. He looks something like a small baboon, covered with black hair and tail less.
Tom Cockle: The name of a faerie or brownie that moved across the ocean from Ireland when the family he was attached to moved to America.
Thumb: When an old English couple longed for a child, they went to
Merlin to help them, asking for a child, even if it was the size of a thumb.
So was born Tom Thumb, with all the powers of a fay child living amongst
humans. He escaped many dangerous situation using said magic. In France,
the female version was named Thumbelina, and the Danish tell of the tiny
Faerie (Toothy Faerie): This is the faerie in charge of making sure
children lost their milk teeth and another grew in its place. Somewhere
along the way, it became an integral part of tradition to place the tooth
under the child's pillow, where the faerie would leave some sort of monetary
Tuatha dé Danann: These are the faerie people of Ireland. They are known as the People of the Goddess Danu (Dana). They are renowned for their power, beauty, intellect, and grace. They could become visible or invisible and shape shift at will. They were mostly immortal, but could be killed in battle. They interacted often with humans, granting them fortune or disaster as they saw fit. They are the holders of what many now know as the four treasures: Dagda's cauldron, Lugh's spear, Nuadha's sword, and a the scared stone called Stone of Fal. When they were defeated by the Milesians they took refuge under boroughs called sidh, which is what they are now mostly known as (sidhe). From there, they still practice their magic, and split up their underground world by taking into account the areas of their previous kingdom, appointing kings and queens as they had done before. Many mortals are lead into their world, where time, the sights, food, and revelry are very different that ours.
Tündér: This is the Hungarian word for faerie. These faeries were both good and bad, and had the ability to enchant humans with things such as milk, tears, herbs, gems, etc. The love music and dancing in forest glades under the moonlight. They are given names according to the area they are said to reside. Some of these are: Dame Hirip, Dame Rampson (a faerie queen), Fairy Helen, Mika (a warrior faerie), and Tartód (queen of the malevolent faeries).
Tylwyth Teg (the Fair Family): In Wales, these are the larger version of the Ellyllon. They live in mountains, glades, islands in lakes, and even in flowers. They live in a society of sorts and their king is Gwyn Ap Knudd. Their heights may vary from a foot to taller than men, but they are always beautiful and light skinned and light haired. They dress in long silken garments, usually in the color green. Often, they are blamed for taking blonde human children and leaving changelings in their place. Some have been known to marry mortals, but vanish if some promise if broken. The Tylwyth Teg are benevolent in general, often bringing mortals good luck. They love music and dancing and once gave a generous mortal named Cader Idris a magic harp that would play for him when the strings were touched. Another name they were known by is Bendith y Mamau.
Unseelie Court: See The Courts
Urisk: He is a solitary Scottish faerie who haunts pools of water. He is extremely lonely and tries to find friendship among humans, but because of his horrifying appearance people run from.